Douglas Crump

Owner and Founder

About DgcBook123 

I started DgcBook123 Bookkeeping because I want to help you, a small business owner to thrive by providing top-notch bookkeeping services. Oh, also I like to work and make a little bit of money.

Honestly, we are committed to helping you minimize costs and liabilities while boosting your profits. Once we ensure your data is accurately entered, we review monthly reports to uncover opportunities to reduce expenses and increase revenue, ultimately strengthening your bottom line.

Over 25 years ago, while working for a small medical company, I introduced and implemented QuickBooks to simplify their daily transactions. After a rewarding career in medical device and pharmaceutical sales, where I held advanced positions as a Regional Manager and National Sales Director, I now focus on assisting small businesses with their financial bookkeeping needs. For any needs beyond bookkeeping, I work closely with a trusted CPA firm, which handles complex filings and coordinates directly with the IRS on any past or ongoing tax matters. I look forward to partnering with you to create the best bookkeeping solutions for your growing business.

Ready to streamline your bookkeeping?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help your business thrive.